
female student on campus

The CARE Team

Providing Student Advocacy, Care, and Support

The St. Thomas CARE Team is a campus-wide group collaborating on identification, assessment, intervention, and referral of students experiencing challenging circumstances that may affect their holistic well-being, safety, or academic success.


If you are in an emergency and need immediate help with the person you care about, contact Public Safety at 651-962-5555 for On-Campus issues OR 911 for Off-Campus issues.

Mental Health concerns can be directed to the Center for Well-Being 651-962-6750. Live counselors are available 24/7.

How To Refer Someone

Call, email, or walk-in:
651-962-6050; deanstudents@stthomas.edu
Anderson Student Center (ASC) 241

You can expect a response within 24 hours of the next business day.

You can refer any student at St. Thomas, including yourself. (DFC students can be referred to .)

Turning Roadblocks into Stepping Stones

What does the CARE Team do?

The CARE Team provides case management and referral services to students experiencing challenging circumstances that may affect their holistic well-being, safety, or academic success.

We work one-on-one with students to identify the challenge(s), collect available information regarding the circumstances and resources, then partner in developing a plan of action to mitigate the circumstance. We advocate, care for, and support the student, using the approach that fits the situation - this may involve coaching, collaboration, boundary setting, or connecting with useful resources. Above all, we respect the dignity of the student with whom we are working.

The CARE Team can address a wide range of concerns, including (but not limited to):

  • Academic Issues such as: struggles with homework, conflict with professors, and excessive concern with grades. (NOTE: Concerns about a student's academic performance or classroom engagement should be submitted to the Academic Counseling attendance alert system within One St. Thomas. Please refer to the Faculty Guide to Student Alerts found in the Reference Materials in the Advising Essentials drop-down list on the .)
  • Emotional Well-being and Mental Health
  • Physical Health or Wellness Matters such as: too much or too little sleep, change in eating habits, signs of self-harm, change in personal hygiene
  • Spiritual Health
  • Discipline or Behavioral Issues
  • Death or illness of a loved one
  • Roommate Conflicts
  • Financial issues such as: food or housing insecurity or unexpected challenges related to finances
  • Personal Safety, including any condition that compromises the health, safety, well-being or a student's capacity to engage in learning

What can you help with?

If you (or a friend or loved one) are dealing with a concern for something not listed above...please reach out to us! There is no issue too big or small to bring to the CARE Team.

We follow up within 1 business day on every referral submitted and direct concerns to the most appropriate campus partners based on the nature of the referral. We share details only with the individuals who have an active role in supporting the student.

Helping Someone You Know

For Family Members

Family Members are welcome and encouraged to contact the CARE Team with any concerns they have about their student.


FERPA, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, prohibits university faculty and staff from sharing educational records (grades, class attendance, etc.) with any third party without the students' written consent.

In addition, HIPAA law protects patient health information, including both physical and mental health.

We believe that every individual has the right to address their concerns, issues, or situation privately, and federal laws hold us to those standards.