
Students and faculty at trail sign

Office of Sustainability Initiatives

The Office of Sustainability Initiatives (OSI) collaborates with campus and community partners to create a culture of sustainability on campus that prepares students to be sustainability leaders and collaborators during their university years and beyond.

We envision sustainability as fostering interconnected human and environmental well-being now and for future generations. Each individual and every field of study has something unique and important to offer to this effort.

Through interdisciplinary education and engagement initiatives, OSI creates multiple pathways for students, faculty, and staff to engage with sustainability to enrich learning, teaching, research, and daily life on campus and in the community.

OSI also leads the University’s comprehensive sustainability reporting, convenes the University’s Sustainability Council, and collaborates with units across campus to achieve university-wide goals for sustainability at St. Thomas.

Partner with OSI

Maria Dahmus
Email: medahmus@stthomas.edu

Rachel Schauer
Program Manager
Email: rschauer@stthomas.edu


Featured Initiatives

Sustainable Communities Partnership

The Sustainable Communities Partnership (SCP) collaborates with government and campus partners to engage students in real-world, experiential learning and creative problem-solving by integrating partner-identified sustainability projects into St. Thomas courses across disciplines. SCP expands partner capacity to address long-standing and emerging sustainability challenges facing our communities and prepares students to be sustainability leaders and collaborators in their future career paths.

Students working on Metro Transit project

SCP Projects

SCP projects explore economic, social, and ecological dimensions of interconnected human and environmental well-being in our communities. Founded in 2016, SCP has collaborated with partners on over 180 projects in courses across 27 disciplines.

SCP Projects

Student Sustainability Leadership Program

The Student Sustainability Leadership Program (SSLP) is a student employment opportunity designed to prepare the next generation of environmental leaders by giving them hands-on experience with sustainability on campus and to increase student sustainability knowledge and action through peer-education.

Student Sustainability Leaders in front of Shadow Falls. Students talking at Office of Sustainability Initiatives information table. Students Trash Talking at waste bins on the plaza. Clothing racks in Tommies Closet pop-up shop.


SSLP Projects

Student Sustainability Leaders work on year-long projects and partner with units across campus to help achieve campus sustainability goals. SSLP projects have included developing the Guide to Sustainable Living, campus sustainability scavenger hunts, waste reduction games, and implementing results of campus-based Sustainable Communities Partnership projects.


Peer Education

Student Sustainability Leaders bring hands-on education to the campus community through educational activities and events throughout the year. Student Sustainability Leaders also help coordinate Campus Sustainability Month in October and Sustainability Week in April, engaging and collaborating with campus partners and student clubs across campus.


Trash Talking

Student Sustainability Leaders attend campus events to help event attendees to properly sort their waste. The “trash talkers” guide students, staff, and faculty by standing by the waste bins and educating them on how to sort their waste.


Tommies Closet

Student Sustainability Leaders help run Tommies Closet, a secondhand clothing pop-up for St. Thomas students to shop for free. All items in the closet have been donated by campus community members and partners. Tommies Closet partners with Career Development Center to offer business attire to students to prepare for interviews and career fairs.

Sustainability Arts Initiative

The Sustainability Arts Initiative invites the campus community to explore interconnections of human and environmental well-being on campus and in our community through arts-based experiential engagement. Students across majors collaborate with local artists, writers, and communities to bring to life community sustainability goals for people of all ages.

Annual Events

The Office of Sustainability Initiatives invites the campus community to explore sustainability on campus and beyond through annual events and interactive experiences.

Student at Mississippi River Cleanup in fall.

Campus Sustainability Month

Campus Sustainability Month is held in October and celebrates higher education sustainability achievements. Events and activities are held throughout the month to raise awareness of sustainability initiatives. Each week features a sustainability theme such as reuse, food, and academics.

Students holding plates of food in dining hall.

Sustainability Week

Sustainability Week is a series of events held in April during the week of Earth Day. Departments and organizations across campus host events and activities to explore and celebrate sustainable practices.

OSI Impacts

From Students

“The Sustainable Communities Partnership has been essential in showing how our education ties in with the St. Thomas mission. This project has allowed us to analyze real-world data, collaborate with classmates, and present solutions to problems that affect real communities. We are applying skills we have cultivated in the classroom to projects that advance the common good.”

—Anna, student

Working as a Student Sustainability Leader gave me the opportunity to jumpstart my career working in the field of environmental sustainability while also getting to know the sustainability community on campus. This job is so impactful because you get to work with the sustainability team to create real, tangible change on campus by working with departments and communicating with your peers.

—Ariana '23, SSLP alum

"This Sustainable Communities Partnership project has been an amazing experience. It has been an eye-opening experience because we were no longer dealing with hypothetical firms and businesses on exams that don’t exist. Instead, we find ourselves working with real-life people in real-life situations where decisions and findings make an impact.

—Max, student

From Partners

“The Sustainable Communities Partnership allows agencies and communities to propose a diverse range of projects, at various scales and scopes. We often have projects that require exploratory research, or we may have difficulty allocating staff resources to particular project areas. This partnership allows for flexibility and collaboration to really move projects and research forward. College students offer fresh insight into our growing understanding of and need for sustainable practices and planning for resilience.”

—Eric Wojchik, Senior Planner, Metropolitan Council & SCP Partner Lead (2017-present)

“The City of Elk River was excited to partner with the University of St. Thomas Sustainable Communities Partnership because classes have helped achieve initiatives that we wouldn’t be able to accomplish ourselves for years, if ever. We also get to aid the next generation of university students in gaining real-world expertise. It’s a win-win and we couldn’t be more honored for the opportunity.“

—Kristin Mroz, City of Elk River Environmental Technician & SCP City Partner Lead (2016-2017)

“Many of the Sustainable Communities Partnership projects result in a tangible plan or product that can be immediately used, which is great for the community and really satisfying for the students, who get to see their ideas come to life and make a real impact.”

—Michael Healy, City of Big Lake, City Planner & SCP Partner Lead (2017-2018)