
External Study Abroad Scholarships

There are extensive study abroad scholarships offered by organizations external to the University of St. Thomas. The following scholarships are some of your options, but this is not an exhaustive list.

Deadlines and application processes vary.

Scholarship Details

Scholarships range from $400 to full tuition for semester programs, $200 to half of tuition for summer programs, and $200 - 500 for January programs. Eligibility requirements: academic merit, financial need, diversity.
Scholarships range from $500 - 2500 for semester programs and $250 - 1,000 for summer programs. Eligibility requirements: financial need, specific programs, under-represented groups, language programs.
Scholarships range from $750 - 25,000. Eligibility requirements: academic merit, financial need, specific programs, specific locations.
Scholarships range from $250 - 6,000 for semester programs, $250 - $1,000 for summer programs. Eligibility requirements: academic merit, financial need, diversity, Danish background.
Scholarships range from $500 - 2500 for semester programs, up to $2,500 for summer programs, and $100 - 500 for January programs. Eligibility requirements: academic merit, financial need, diversity, leadership, under-represented groups, specific fields of study.
Scholarships range from $5002,000 for semester, summer, and January programs. Eligibility requirements: financial need, diversity, language programs, specific programs, specific areas of study, disability
Scholarships range from $300–2500 for semester programs and $500–2,000 for summer programs. Eligibility requirements: academic merit, financial need, specific locations, specifics programs, first-generation college students, work-study programs.
Scholarships range from $400–2000 for winter/spring break, January/May, semester, summer terms, and academic year terms. Eligibility requirements: financial need, diversity, specific locations, duration of study, academic merit, third year students.
Scholarships range from $500–5,000 for semester programs and $500–3,000 for summer programs. Eligibility requirements: financial need, specific study locations, specific areas of study.
Eligibility requirements: academic merit, financial need, diversity, heritage, specific fields of study.
Scholarships range from $500–1,500 for semester programs and $100–500 for summer January programs. Eligibility requirements: academic merit, diversity, alumni.

National Study Abroad Scholarships

The Association of Teachers of Japanese Bridging Project awards about 100 scholarships annually for American students participating in study abroad programs in Japan.Equal to the number of Headers, but doesn't require content.
Available to undergraduate students studying at a UK university and a member of BUTEX.
The Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals (CBYX) is a fellowship funded by the German Bundestag and U.S. Department of State. Learn more about
Offers scholarships for study and research in Germany.
This is a scholarship given to students interested in studying abroad in East and Southeast Asian countries.
Students studying for at least four weeks abroad may apply for one of these $5,000 awards. Preference given to students of underrepresented identities or academic disciplines or going to a non-traditional destination.
This scholarship is open to students who are already receiving federal need-based financial aid.
Use the IIE site to search for some of the most prestigious international education grants and scholarships.
Students who are members of NSCS are eligible to apply for these awards for language study abroad.
$2,500–12,000 merit-based scholarships to any student of Italian descent.
NSEP focuses on the critical languages and cultures of Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Latin America. NSEP is unique in the commitment of its award recipients to proceed into public service upon completion of their academic studies.
Local Rotary clubs provide funding for undergraduate and graduate study in another country.

Fulbright Student Program

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program is a prestigious international cultural and educational exchange program sponsored by the United States Government. The goal of the program is to iIncrease mutual understanding between the people of U.S. and people of other countries. The University of St. Thomas promotes and supports current students and alumni as they compete for this scholarship.