
Incomplete Notations

Date Implemented: October 17, 2006
Date Revised: March 13, 2008

The mark of I is used if the student has not completed the work of the course and in the judgment of the instructor has good reason for delay. The student must make arrangements with the instructor before the date the last assignment of that course is due. Ordinarily, good reason will involve matters not wholly within the control of the student, such as serious illness. The mark of I is not to be used to:

  1. Allow a student to improve a grade by additional work over and above that ordinarily expected for the course or
  2. By repetition of work already submitted to the instructor or
  3. Retake a course to improve the final grade.

The mark of I may not be used without prior arrangement between instructor and student.

The student must complete the designated work and submit it to the instructor by May 31 for an I received in the fall semester or January term; by December 31 for an I received in the spring semester or a summer session (unless an earlier deadline has been required by the instructor or the program).

In the absence of posting a final grade on or before the established deadline for the incomplete, the mark of I will be changed by the university registrar to a grade of F or R. The deadline may not be extended.

To change an I to an earned grade or to change a resulting F or R because the deadline expired, the instructor must follow University of St. Thomas grade change procedures.

Important Note: In the absence of a more stringent policy at the school or college level the University Graduate Academic Policies apply. Should a graduate program not have a specific policy or should there be omissions or gaps in the policy for a specific graduate school program, the University Graduate Policy shall govern.

The Graduate Academic Policies are the responsibility of the Graduate Curriculum Committee Convener. For additions or revisions contact gradcurriculum@stthomas.edu.