
Campus Emergency Procedures

Emergency Coordination
It is critical for our students, staff, faculty, and visitors to feel safe when confronted with an emergency on campus. In an emergency, the Public Safety Department, in coordination with the University Action and Response Team, will act to provide information, direction and safety resources to the campus community.

Office of the Director of Public Safety
All campus wide emergencies (fire, severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, etc.) should be referred directly to the Public Safety Department. The Public Safety Department will coordinate the efforts of the area Police and Fire Department and others responding to the emergency.

Public Safety Department
Under the direction of the Director of Public Safety, the Public Safety Department and the Facilities Management Department will respond to all emergencies, provide assistance as required, assess the situation, and maintain communication and coordination through and following the emergency.

Notification Protocol
Depending upon the existing emergency and circumstances, the Public Safety Department will notify appropriate university departments and personnel. The notification roster will be kept at the Public Safety Department dispatch center.

University Action and Response Team
The University Action and Response Team (UART) is composed of university administrators representing key departments of the university including: Office of the Provost, Academic Affairs, Office of General Counsel, Student Affairs, Public Safety, Facilities Management, Information Technology Services and other departments as needed. It is charged to oversee the mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery of a major crisis and the administrative coordination of crisis situations that may impact a major unit of the university or the university as a whole. Some of these may include but not limited to: fire in a building, unexpected death of a community member, campus protest, property destruction from a weather event, credible community threat, cyber-attack, or controversial situations.

What Will Happen Next?
UART is generally called together by one of the co-chairs, Vice President of Student Affairs or Director of Public Safety. Once UART is notified of a crisis, members of the team will come together to review the situation and make decisions regarding how the university will respond to the immediate and future needs of the situation.

Contact Public Safety

Non-emergency: 651-962-5100
Emergency: 651-962-5555