
Cantor raises arms during prayer

Liturgical Ministry

As liturgical ministers, students are called to help the community celebrate. Join us and let the spirit and power of the liturgy be one of your teachers.

Campus Ministry offers a variety of worship experiences, including Sunday and daily Masses, seasonal services, and the Sacrament of Penance (Confession).

Interested in being a Lector or Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist? Want to sing in the choir or lead the assembly in song? Students can volunteer as liturgical ministers, serving the Eucharistic Liturgy, assisting with communion, welcoming members of the assembly as hospitality ministers, and guiding the community in song as a member of one of the music groups.

Join Us!

Want to be involved in Liturgical Ministry? Reach out to Dr. Jacob Benda to learn more: jrbenda@stthomas.edu

Opportunities to Serve

Altar Server

Altar servers assist the priest celebrant at Mass in a variety of ways, which includes holding the ritual books, setting the altar, and carrying incense, cross, or candles.  Through careful training, altar servers serve in a reverent manner and act as a witness to full, conscious, and active participation in the liturgy.

Hospitality Minister

Hospitality ministers welcome the community as it gathers for worship. Hospitality ministers help each person to feel welcome as they enter the chapel, distribute worship aids, help people find a seat, and assist with the offering.

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) undertake the important ministry of distributing Holy Communion at mass. The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist unites us both to God and to one another. EMHCs are trained to share the Body and Blood of Christ with the congregation with reverence and joy.


Through voice, eye contact and personal presence lectors proclaim the Word of God to the assembly. For clear and prayerful proclamation of the Scriptures at Mass, lectors prepare the week before they are to minister by reading the scripture passage, reflecting on its meaning, and proclaiming the passage aloud.

Liturgical Assistant

Liturgical assistant positions are work-study positions. Liturgical assistants work with the liturgical staff to prepare for and facilitate campus liturgies.