
Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities (ACTC) Conduct Policy

Augsburg University, Macalester College, Hamline University, St. Catherine University, and the University of St. Thomas, (members of the Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities) are committed to sustaining cordial and mutually supportive relationships between and among the five institutions. To that end, the following guidelines for dealing with conduct violations have been established:

  1. ACTC students visiting and/or taking classes at any of the five institutions are expected to observe the policies of that campus.
  2. When students from one of the five institutions are on one of the member campuses, the judicial/conduct regulations of that institution apply to them, including Title IX Sexual Misconduct policies. If students are involved in a judicial/conduct situation, the host Senior Student Affairs Officer (SSAO)/Dean of Students, or designee, will be notified and, in turn, will convey the details to the home SSAO/Dean. In some cases, it may be determined that both SSAOs/Deans adjudicate the infraction collaboratively; in most cases, the home SSAO/Dean will adjudicate the infraction on the home campus. In the event of an emergency or necessary police action, the host SSAO/Dean or designee will respond immediately and later notify the home SSAO/Dean.
  3. If students are involved in a Title IX Sexual Misconduct incident, the host Title IX Coordinator (or designee) will be notified and, in turn, will convey the details to the home Title IX Coordinator. In some cases, it may be determined that both Title IX Coordinators adjudicate the incident collaboratively; in most cases, the home Title IX Coordinator will adjudicate the infraction on the home campus.
  4. Each of the five colleges/universities, through its own judicial/conduct process, has the authority to suspend or expel any student who is registered for courses on its campus with the visiting student being accorded all the rights, including the right of appeal, that apply to a student of the host school.
  5. The duration of any penalties shall be at the discretion of the institution originally handling the incident. If the loss of academic grade is involved, or loss of privilege to continue taking a course at a host institution, the Senior Academic Affairs Officer (SAAO) office may become involved in the process. The student may use existing channels of appeal.
  6. In all cases, it is assumed that this agreement does not supersede any rules or regulations of any of the five institutions and, furthermore, that the strong, existing spirit of cooperation among the five institutions will prevail in seeking resolutions with educational merit.

Policy Details

Effective: February 1973

Revised: March 23, 2023